Let's share stories about shoes. Kalo bercerita tentang kasut, topik ni memang amat2 diminati oleh kaum Hawa especially. Ye lah kan, sape yang tak suka kasut?? Some people are obsessed towards shoes and I have a friend who is really into shoes. Kasut yang beliau pakai semuanya like 6 inches high. Gilak wa cakap luuuu...tapi beliau selamba jer berjalan dengan heels sedemikian rupa. Kalo akak yang pakai sure dah lama terjelepok dek nonnnn!!haha...
I myself can't deny the fact that I love shoes tapi bukan yang obses bangat yer...Sekadar suka untuk buat collection. Previously, I am not really into shoes. I'm more of a handbag person but lately since berkawan dengan seorang manusia bernama Ieka Kassim, maka saya pon terjebak jugaklah dengan aktiviti-aktiviti membeli-belah kasut ni. Haiyakkk!! Tak salah kan? kan? kan? I kinda like walking in heels because you can feel good and confident about yourself. Since diri ini dah memang sedia dilahirkan dengan ketinggian 163cm, maka kalo pakai heels dalam 4 inches tu pon dah rasa macam KLCC dah bila berdiri sebelah manusia-manusia kerdil dan katiks...oppss!!
Lately ni rasa macam dah tak kencang sangat dengan aktiviti membeli kasut ni. Mungkinkah keadaan ekonomi yang tidak mengizinkan? Mungkin! Lagipun, sekarang ni everytime nak beli kasut je mesti nak pikir manala nak sorok becos Encik Suami ni tak berapa gemar tengok bininya membazirkan duit membeli kasut sedangkan kat umah ni dah banyak kasut yang kebanyakannya tak sempat nak pakai pon. Pastu plak since we all ade satu kereta ni agak susah sket untuk menyorok kewujudan kasut2 yang baru dibeli. Kalo dulu, beli kasut jer bleh sorok kat bontot keta & Encik Suami takkan perasan pon yang kasut tersebut adalah new. And when he asked, "kasut baru ke yang? tak penah tgk pon?"...I will definitely give this answer back,"taklah...kasut lama tak pakai". He actually bought the story!! hahahaha. Sayang, if you read this, sorry yerr!! :)
Let me share with you some of my favourite shoes yang memang saya selalu lenjan ke office :
I don't have expensive shoes and I don't have cheap shoes either. Confused? What I mean is that I don't have Louboutin shoes but I always give priority to the quality of the shoes especially on the heels part, that it shldn't be wobbly when we walk. Thus, I will spend like RM100++ per pair of shoes and I wouldn't mind spend so much more if the shoes are really2 comfortable to wear. I love shoes from Lewre, Primavera & Clarks since they are super duper comfortable. Hush Puppies is OK too but sometime it is not.
If you ask me, do I have my dream shoes? Definitely my answer is YES!! I would want a Louboutin someday...(pffftt!!keep on dreaming, Nazifa!!) and also a Stuart Weitzman & Manolo Blahnik (I know, dreaming again!). Do you remember the movie Sex & the City? Remember the shoes which Carrie Bradshaw left in her closet of the new apartment which Mr. B bought? Yeah, the blue shoes are from Manolo Blahnik. Totally to die for!
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The famous Manolo Blahnik from Sex & The City |
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Christian Louboutin cute ribbons!! |
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Christian Louboutin Sexy Siren!! |
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Christian Louboutin Nude Mary Jane..I like! |
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Christian Louboutin Totally must-have! |
Nice kaaaaann???? Kalo pegi office tu memang mak tak pakai la noksss!! Mau aku melecet kaki ni haaa... SO, if any of you guys happen to read my entry kali ni or even my blog (ade ke orang nak baca??), let us share each other's views on shoes. What type of shoes you guys like and all.
Hope to hear from you guys soon. Till then, tataaaaaa!!
Hi Naz... I satu tempat keje ngan you. Terjumpa blog you secara tak sengaja. I suka topik ni! I hantu kasut. Tapi tak boleh nak pakai yg tinggi2 skrg. Kaki ada what they called... bullion ke apa ntah. Sakit woo tapak kaki bila berjalan dengan hi heels. So skrg kena minat flat shoes sajork! Kasut I ada macam2 warna. Tapi kasut2 ni, kalo lama tak pakai, nanti crack. Sades sungguh...
Eh ahkak...hai hai! yes, sy ni dah jarang pakai heels sejak2 sakit tulang belakang ni.hukhuk!sape la agaknya AHKAK ni kan??heehe
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