This week is the most buziest, most stressful,most chaotic and most pressure week of my not-so-entire life. Right now, at this hour I supposed to be on my way home to catch up d busy train at masjid jamek station. However, sadly to say i must stay at the office to finish up my work for today (but I still have time to mumble here...hehe). Life is soo miserable for me these past few months. It all started back then when I first started my chambering period. From that moment thereafter, I have no life at all, only to drown myself in these boring files and papers that were piled up on my desk.huhu!!Arggghh!!It will be soo great if i could sit on the fluffiest sofa watching TV while indulging myself with a pint of BASKIN ROBBIN's cookie dough ice cream.Yummylicious!!OMG!!Wake up Jeep!!!Dreaming at this hour??aiyoo..so ridiculous.haha!!This is the result when your brain can't even absorb any input anymore and this means that it's already time to go home!!!yeay!!
Btw, I just wanna share with you guys that today alone was the most chaotic day for me..Tell u what, since morning i have to vet a knee-high files given by my boss becos she said that she know nothing about those freaking files as it was not her case in the first place..So, I, as usual la being a coolie, have to summarise the whole story to her until she finally understands what the case is all about...Half of the morning and not forgetting the whole of yesterday I succumb myself to study on all these files. Tadi, after a quick lunch at McD with Baya, I took a cab to KL Magistrate Court to get a new mention date. Why bother to send me there for a matter which lasts not even 5 seconds and costs me almost a red note MYR??Oh I forgot...I'm the coolie at the office so others could dump all their work to me..Stupid!!I'm starting to feel exhausted and fed-up because everyday i need to rush up early in the morning to catch the earliest train so that i could arrive at the Masjud Jamek Station on time before I missed the shuttle or busses to KL Courts. Being the only Chambee attached to my department (Islamic Litigation), I am the only person who everyone would dump their workload. To tell u the truth, not only I have to do my boss's work, but I need to do other partners' work as well (I mean partners who are attached at my department) plus a few lawyers who are soo lazy to go to court by themselves..REASON??too bz with other files..Hah!!I think the Office should put more effort to employ more chambering students plus revise the allowance given to Chambee or else Chambees will no longer choose to do their pupillage here..Besides, tak de la i penat macam orang gile tiap2 hari balik after maghrib...My only hope is to finish my pupillage as soon as possible, get a PC and have months full of yeepy happy HOLS before going back to work again..Hehe!!I wish I could but it seems impossible...BUT it's not a sin to dream right??hehehe..Alrighty, its time to call it a day. Catch u guys later.
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