Ni nak review psl celup dan celup atau bahasa omputihnya DIP N DIP. Restaurant ni letaknya kat Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar. Depan Allianze Bank and very near to Bangsar Village. Now tempat ni memang famous, because it doesn't serve any main course food other than desserts. Yes, it's a dessert cafe and it serves fully chocolate-based desserts. For those of you who are chocolate lovers, this is the place to feast your chocolate cravings.
Price wise memang mahal sikit lah but according to Hubster, it's worth every penny! Duh! Being a chocolate lover himself, of course la dia suka. We went there last Friday after work. Janji dengan Ieka skali sebab dia penah pegi situ dulu so we might have a lil help from her to choose from the menu.
We ordered Brownies Chocolate Crepe, Triple Chocolate Crepe, Ice Blended Freezy and also Mallow Hot Chocolate. Seriously sinful and tersangat2 sedap! Nampak macam sikit je portion tapi time nak ngabihkan sepinggan tu memang menguji iman. Sampai satu tahap terasa kepala dah kembang and tak boleh masukkk!
Triple Chocolate Crepe (patut ade white chocolate on top tp they were out of stock)
Brownies Chocolate Crepe (brownies balut ngan crepe pastu simbah chocolate) |
Ice Blended Freezy |
Mallow Hot Chocolate |
We spend time borak-borak sambil buat lawak bodoh memasing. Sambil-sambil tu camwhoring la ape lagi! Tu je lah ceritanya. So, sesapa yang teringin nak pegi Dip n Dip tu silalah berkunjung. Desserts dia memang terbaik dari ladang!
Menggila with Hubster |
Camwhore dengan Mek Ieka Kassim |
1 comment:
price utk triple chocolate crepe and brownies chocolate crepe berapa ye? tq.
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